Monday, July 27, 2009

Leigh-d, Xtreme Curves

the circus

E 'within a week after the publication of the Unit Blog of ten questions on the Crescent to the mayor of Salerno Vincenzo De Luca, response: None. If applications were addressed with the tacit consent of the formula would get better results.
Months have passed instead of opening a debate that saw the birth of a committee, the involvement of ordinary people from the worlds of culture, art and architects, published in local and national media on the media. Among the interventions of prominent personalities stands out harsh criticism of the heavy Gillo Dorfless who wrote " with Bofill (l 'English architect who signed the draft of the Crescent in Salerno ed) it often falls into a type of architecture that we can not call kitsch. Many of its buildings are aesthetically objectionable and not done with irony, but pursuing eye-catching architecture, decorative false, antifunzionale that impresses the audience . Interested directly to the project while the shape of a crescent of Salerno critic Vittorio Sgarbi spoke of "frightening Soviet ministry" and " company intended to satisfy, first, building luxury residential . Mayor's response: insults.
Yes, it seems incredible, but insults were addressed to both the influential critic in the past now as ordinary citizens who dare to dissent from his views and we have been publicly lynched on local stations and mocked with colorful epithets (chiwawa, penguins , lovers cabin, etc..) without the possibility of direct replication. Even the councilors who voted for the resolution, or superintendent who expressed a favorable opinion on the draft S. Teresa felt the need to respond to questions and allay the concerns of Salerno on the casting of concrete that will fall on the waterfront. Yet should feel proud to be recognized as preferential partners of the dialogue between authorities and citizens. On the other hand
surprise some spontaneous statements about the affair, expressed as a kind of justification, and suggest that failures much more serious than those which overshadowed the scandal of Crescent enough to recall the mechanism involuntary brought to light serious omissions in the field of Cultural Heritage by a series of erotic private wiretapping of our premier.
The first statement is to displace the Town Planning Councillor who declares that the use of variants it was necessary to streamline the plan Bohigas otherwise unmanageable.
The second revelation is the same as De Luca says that the Crescent and the attached Liberty Square has been designed as a more dignified alternative to the original design by Bohigas to be made in the area of \u200b\u200bS. Teresa residences of economic people. I seem to infer from these statements two serious shortcomings of the municipal administration, opposing and complementary. Hypothesis 1: Bohigas devised a plan unworkable (but Barcelona have failed to implement the urban plan of the same Catalan architect), monstrously complex in its overall implementation and inadequate guidelines in particular, in which case it is legitimate to ask why Administration has approved of Salerno with enormous waste of public money and time.
Hypothesis No. 2: proceed with variations for the complete inability of the management plan and / or because it is more convenient to work on ad hoc, not to say a personal basis, as acutely observed F. Martin in a speech.
There is a phrase of Mayor De Luca on the outcry over the affair of Crescentt and delivered in an 'interview with a local radio station that strikes deeply concerned about his strength and self-denigrating "the caravan passes, the dogs are barking! "
that dogs continue to bark until you also get real answers and civilians, will exist as long as freedom of opinion and ideas, as long as there will be no denial or confirmation that this administration is a bandwagon as she holds of herself and he says.


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