Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mc Speech For Company Anniversary


had to come on the eve of the works, scheduled for St. Matthew, to finally see the fotorendering published today in the newspaper of the Crescent City. And so it has removed any doubt that if ever we had the draft Bofill has an impressive impact. From the center of the square, the colonnade is infamous barrier preventing high view of Salerno, one of the convents, gardens and palaces of Minerva, for instance. How sad, that misery, desolation in that huge amphitheater that empty desert and only animated by the flashy design of the pavement, that any of the local hairdresser, a lover of the vernacular, not even propose a tavern for most of the third-rate rude customer. There is no shred of a person included in the simulation with the photo-camera dell'archistar yet paid two million euro for the project should be sufficient to produce images more convincing-that makes it really a good idea of \u200b\u200bhow to present the usual square: without a soul. Other than Eur effect should be ruled as the mayor claimed in one of his apologies for the project. A view in particular reminds even the door of Milan in the evening when the shops and offices are closed, only sadness and desolation. After stunted saplings planted on the sidewalks every citizen in Liberty Square is not provided even a blade of green plane trees will be killed, I guess at night, to leave no scope for protest, as was done for other similar demolition operations ungrateful, or of archaeological cover-ups (see Piazza S. Agostino). The overall effect is so alienating that it has something inhuman, alienating even for the obsessive rhythm of the column fields is always the same. Who really wants such a horror?
Speculate well gentlemen, you've always done and continue to do so until the world will turn but not to cause an outrageous like our city! Otherwise we can only turn its back on 30 feet of concrete and turn their eyes to the sky or the sea. Or less elegantly use the famous urn as spittoon.
amado seƱor


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