Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Letter To Disconnect Request
The team of Art & Science interrupts the festive break to wish all readers a happy start to 2009!
Joan & Michael James & Andrea &
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Leather Braided Bracelet Disneyland
the archive runs in three physical locations in Florence.
in each of these places you can see texts or documents related to health and natural medicine.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Bangbros Bangbros Saw Com
So begins the story that I want to tell today.
Herbert Matter, as well as being a great photographer, was also a dear friend of Jackson Pollock, one of the greatest exponents of contemporary art. It is not hard to find pictures of themselves together and oltresì known that he was painting in Pollock's New York studio of the photographer. The finding of 32 frameworks between objects belonging to the family awoke not Matter, therefore, no fuss. Professor Ellen Landau is the first ar ECOGNITION as genuine the 32 works by Alex Matter, the May 2005, we hastened to prepare a publication and an exhibition that will allow the world to enjoy the masterpieces of the American variety.
June 2005, the HUAM (Harvard University Art Museum) receives samples of three paintings and start a campaign diagnostic time identification of the materials available on the fragments.
Almost simultaneously, some experts of the Pollock-Krasner Foundation question the authenticity of 32 paintings, are not the only ones who think so, so much so that within a few months, other experts Pollock make public the their doubts . Since then the operations of the scientific community and the historical works belonging to grow exponentially Alex Matter (New York Times article , article in The Guardian, article on, to name a few). Following the heated debate
the publication of the catalog and the exhibition are postponed until a later date.
The results of the tests carried out at the HUAM are published in a report in January 2007 and presented at a conference at the Metropolitan Museum of NYC the first June 2008, at the Science Word Festiva l, which is held every year in late spring. The symposium, presented by Professor Narayan Khandekar, senior conservation scientist and senior lecturer of ' Harvard University, was filmed and made available to the community by the museum in the huge tank that is precious and Youtube . And 'here that I discovered and it is thanks to this conference, which I'm interested in this case, almost detective, in which science, for the umpteenth time, was placed at the service of art historians , proving once and for all its worth.
After a brief historical introduction (which is similar to that I mentioned at the beginning of the post), the professor explains techniques that were used for the identification of materials present in the three paintings from them analyzed. Besides the classic SEM-EDS, FTIR and Raman , the scientific team at Harvard has made use of carbon-14 dating of by pyrolysis GC-MS and LDI-TOF-MS . The latter technique is perhaps the least known among the six newly appointed. In other words it is a mass spectrometry completed ionizing the sample with a laser beam directed at the point to be analyzed, it is still not used a technique on which you can find more detailed information in the scientific literature.
Let me point out a particularly interesting information in this first part of this conference: the carbon and investigations 14 were completed on a fragment of cardboard mounting . The amount of C14 is almost constant in the materials that were "live" (ie able to exchange with the atmosphere) before the nuclear tests of the '50s, all that was produced after these experiments has a number of C14 extremely high. The data found in the card assembly is in line with those of materials that predate the advent of nuclear . It 'clear why the Harvard researchers have departed from this analysis: indeed, if they found that the base material of the work was produced after his death (1956) there were doubts about the falsity of the works undergoing analysis.
following is a part of the professor's lecture, for those who have not had time or desire to hear it in full.
If we eliminate from the picture MBJP14 all substances (dyes and organic medium) produced after the death of Pollock what we get is well represented by the following picture:
The provocation of Professor Khandekar was a success, and expresses very clearly the conclusions of the diagnostic work carried out at Harvard: is not possible to say that these three paintings (3 out of 32, so not a statistically significant number) been made by Jackson Pollock . On them, in fact, there are substances by American artist could not have available in the late '40s, when you think that these works have been completed. You can not even say who has made these false, but, for sure, once again, it was shown that the eye of a critic is definitely a great way to give work, but not infallible . The infallibility , most of the time, derived from science.
Before closing this long post I must inform you that the exhibition of 32 Pollock Alex Matter is was held between September and December of 2007 at the Mc Mullen Museum Boston College . In the exhibition catalog, edited by Professor Landau and Matter, Richard Newman, Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, divides 9 of the 32 paintings that has been able to examine in three classes: those that contain only substances available for the artist, and those where there are some substances dating after 1956 only on the surface (it could be small adjustments on original works), and those in which colors and medium posthumous death of the artist are in the lower strata frameworks (in this case there is clear has to do with the false ).
In November 2007, James Martin of Orion Analytical (a prestigious firm diagnosis USA) presented the data he obtained after the analysis, commissioned by Alex Matter, performed on 23 of the 32 paintings by Pollock . On 16 of these works he finds significant traces of materials following the death of . In addition, media are often present brands of materials produced only after the 70s. Despite these achievements, the exhibition in Boston was a success and 32 of Jackson Pollock Alex Matter will continue to hear, for better or for worse.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Building Developers Sayings
stifled by deposits formed on the uneven surface, they were due to "waxing" in going to meet mineralization, and coatings, inscuritesi over time.
Once again, therefore, an intervention Restoration should be done to remedy past actions, all too often designed to adapt the work to the tastes of the time, rather than the preservation of the work as such.
The restoration was made possible, in our day, thanks to research and development of new technologies that facilitate more targeted and less invasive in particular has been used laser ablation (which we have already seen in another post), to selectively remove the deposits without harming the bronze below.
the success of cleanup work has helped to bring to light traces of gilding, which was originally present on the sculpture, made with the technique a "mission" , and therefore particularly vulnerable.
The sculpture was not moved, but simply placed on a stand in the same room where he was exposed to and the restoration was carried out under the curious eyes of visitors.
We would also like to stimulate discussion on the decision to place next to a restored copy of the work, performed with the same technique, on which were applied to all the gilding of which trace was found, and which aims to show the viewer could see the work as the Lorenzo il Magnifico.
Or fake statue that takes away the work that taste of "old", that "patina of time" that makes it fascinating and mysterious?
's your word ....
References:, cs & id = 2877
Monday, December 1, 2008
What Is The Life Expectancy Of Pulmonary Fibrosis
AIDS vaccine HIV vaccine. Funding unclear and side effects. Why continue? Question to the ministers
In 2003, the National Institute of Health (ISS) decided to experiment with a human AIDS vaccine based on recombinant HIV-1 TAT.
In 2005, the Italian Drug Agency (AIFA) in charge of the inspection performed on clinical trials, claimed to have found seven critical deviations and 3 major deviations, all the responsibility of the sponsor, namely the ISS. The minutes
AIFA informed that the trial had not reached their goals and the risks in continuing it. The Ensoli, going against the statement by the AIFA, argued instead that the objectives of the trial had been achieved and that it would just go ahead with the trial. To authorize this, the ISS 'to move to Phase II trials in South Africa.
On November 22, 2007 an article in the weekly L'Express reported that according to the discoverer of the AIDS virus, Robert Gallo, the active Tat used by the ISS is potentially toxic. In addition, the article reports that the trial results were never published in a major international scientific journal and that would have occurred very serious side effects such as a case of paresis facial muscle and another important issue.
Funding: According to various sources, including the prestigious scientific journal Science (vol. 317, 10 August 2007): all were from the Italian government allocated 52 million euro, of which 21 are from the Ministry of Health 'for experimentation in Italy and 31 for a comprehensive program against AIDS in South Africa. Neither of the two funds and 'was submitted to the system of "peer review" that provides for the evaluation of projects by the referees / anonymous reviewers, competent in matters of scientific and independent project by the proposer of the project. Replication and 'arrived on 18 November: Enrico Garaci, president of ISS, the pages of the newspaper IlSole24Ore, recalled how the money allocated so far to advance the phase II vaccine trials in Italy and South Africa are 37 million and € 52.
What are the reasons why such testing is being carried out by even more 'parts if they're exposed the danger'. For more details visit
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HPV vaccine and rape health
March 8, 2008 It took
HOW TO USE THE MINORS guinea pigs and a source of profit
papillomavirus HPV vaccine
For 280,000 of Italian girls 11/12 years, born in 1997, and calls for their mothers by the health service to inoculate their daughters Gardasil, 2008 will be year of misfortune for the children in large numbers to be forwarded vaccination "against" the Papilloma virus producer accused of cervical cancer, sexually transmitted. The bait is the fear of cancer for years the various institutional and non-health lobby, including the Ministry, grown grim to develop commercial operations like this and harmful pseudo-experiments on the mass population.
Easy to hit girls maneuvering ignorance of mothers, that if by intuition initially do not yield to the insistent propaganda and omission will be the end for the more hooked with the phrase "If your daughter will have cervical cancer in the future will be your fault." Only the most vile alarms to resist emotional blackmail, under the pressure of a supposed moral obligatory.
entirely unjustified alarmism. Scientific evidence
papilloma virus is present in 80% of men and women, often from birth, that is a normal inhabitant of the mucous membranes of the penis, vagina and cervix, a germ which in itself is harmless and common to Like other viruses and bacteria. The transmission is also outside of sexually. Contact not lead to the disease, but if the infection usually transient. The virus can easily disappear by itself, the situation is even more common and more likely. In 10% of cases (and more), the virus lives a lifetime without causing any problems. HPV does not indicate disease, but the risk of 1% of cases develop over time lesions (spots) negotiable. Why develop a tumor on any untreated injury should be a long time about 20/40 years and is an exceptional event that occurs in 1% of cases. So the infection is not a disease but a risk factor (Dr. M. Sideri gynecologist-oncologist).
"If moms want to know how long immunity, and if a few years you will have to do a recall or if the vaccine is not going to have other problems later, and if you vaccinate girls today are really protected by the tumor, you should admit very candidly that none of these questions is Response "(Dr. G. Remuzzi immunologist).
What's in the vaccine? The live virus (papilloma) genetically modified.
clarified that there is no logic in the Ministerial Directive. Why produce immediate damage to the girls 11/12 years since I have sex, to prevent a hypothetical illness among 20/30/40anni with an experimental vaccine that coverage is not guaranteed and only 5 years?
In February 2008 Ministerial Bulletin, the Turkish Minister Livia writes, "the public offer of free vaccination is given to girls aged 11 to 12 years because in this range is the maximum benefit-risk profile." But the risks do not states, omits them with wise removal.
He recalled that "the basis of age ... There will also facilitate the provision to children who would otherwise not have access to social reasons, engaging in compulsory school attendance ..."( 11/24/2007). So choice and instrumental class.
Turkish admits: "It's an offer ... a controlled use to actively monitor the effects on the population exposed to the vaccine. " So it's risky experiment mass on girls guinea pigs.
Turkish proposes: "caution of administration bearing age" because "the data currently available are not sufficient ...". You will then need to consider the Turkish Ministry and criminally liable for any congenital abnormalities or intrauterine deaths from vaccine to women who became pregnant as a surprise, after being vaccinated.
Turkish states: "It will be the scientific evidence of efficacy studies to direct the choice of extending the vaccination against HPV virus to other categories of young women ...".
the United States, who were the first to allow the vaccine in June 2006 - only five of the 50 states recommend it. After the violent controversies erupt in Texas, come the voices of doctors, scientists and experts who testify that they were not consulted before the sweeping executive order of Governor Rick Perry of Texas and claim that Gardasil is dangerous and untested, distributed by pure profit, responsible for dangerous side effects.
Adverse effects were reported in 20 states, "the reactions range from loss of consciousness, collapse," reports The Washington Time. "Some girls have experienced severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, fever, and temporary loss of vision ...". "Reported 13 cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome." The National Vaccine Information Center reports 5 death 51 invalid and 1,358 hospitalized.
The Press Association reports that Texas Governor Rick Perry has close ties to Merck Pharmaceutical from whom he received money for his re-election campaign. "Perry has ties to the government of women, inter-governmental pressure group that campaigns for a national mandatory law and has received funding from Merck." All 50 states were targeted, with payments to the governors and officials of the efforts of the major lobbyists (NY Times 02.17.2007).
Even in Europe there is the lobby of the women who signed the anti-HPV day. In Italy in June '07 was formed the "Committee of Women's Health" for this purpose. Born in November '05 the National Observatory on women's health (ONDA), President Frank Merzagora wanted by pharmaceutical companies who "believe in its mission, linked to cancer Veronesi IEI institute that has arisen as a pioneer of anti-HPV vaccination starting a clinical trial to vaccinate 17 and 18 years. Collaborated in the campaign of propaganda game Feb. 23 by the Ministry of Health, which includes TV and radio spots are misleading "media persuasion."
"PROMOTION OF HEALTH OF WOMEN," "gender health" = new market.
We wanted women to the government because the system profit health-proliferation:
- vaccination HPV free to minors and pay the hypochondriac (Turkish);
- the collection of umbilical cords taken early for babies and exhausted mothers after delivery with the proviso blackmail "cord available only in half with the State" ( Turkish);
- the explant / transplantation favored by the law of expropriation and deceptive identification cards (Bindi), etc..
Women in Government? A mere presence of coverage of games and economic power that has facilitated the reduction of the female gender to a pile of bodies trembling and hypochondriac without pride, easy prey mass trials and health economic gains to speculation.
Then fight and do not vote
Women dell'AEDfemminismo
Vaccines against HPV (human papilloma virus) are two currently on the market: Gardasil (€ 564 for three injections) marketed in the U.S. by Merck Phalmaceutical, assisted in Europe by the French partner Sanofi-Pasterur . In the competition also ready product Cervarix by GlaxoSmithKline UK. Looming war between companies to win the market. The indication for vaccination is given by the authorities from 9 years to 26, after 26 screening only. The vaccination protects from the shackles 4:18 p.m. on 100 known HPV virus.
This initial intramuscular injection and two appeals within six months. Other calls are expected after 5 years after the alleged protection.
Even European countries have made available on the market the HPV vaccine, but Italy is the first to distribute it free of charge to 11enni. Spending in Italy amounted to € 100 million, and perhaps more, which suggests that this is a health care business to manage funds from dizziness.
Taken from: 20Hpv%%% 20sturpo 20sanitario.htm
Example Of Permission-to-travel
An article by Dr. Andrea Bolognesi
FLORENCE 06/03/2007 Dr. Andrea Bolognesi
How Long Does Aniv Bruise Last
Vaccines are sick
Piedmont has already made voluntary vaccination 'for a few months. The Venetianis preparing a law to that effect and Tuscany has a very short
made optional vaccinations! and so 'Law and' the same for all Italians
Each vaccine induces immunosuppression for life and 'normal
so that a vaccine is more' weak (especially the super children vaccinated), and then
also has the measles and / or other disease qualssiasi; with
of smallpox vaccination in the population led
English influence, with that of Polio induced hepatitis and measles and meningitis
, see what happens in the barracks after vaccination
made to the military ... they are sick In fact meningitis'
that military doctors say there are epidemics of meningitis in the barracks ...
http:// / vaccines / meningite_vaccini.htm
etc etc and NOT 'only the increase in meningitis: + asthma + allergies + +
epilepsy syndromes various dystrophies + + MS + + down + leukemia + SIDS
gastrointestinal diseases etc.etc. Thanks
medical vaccinators for the good you do to the company 'man .....
But all this' serves the pharmaceutical companies to create, maintain and expand the market for
vaccinatevi sick ... that's good ... the turnover of
vaccine manufacturers to hurt you ... and you get sick of any
disease. ! Istat statistics
see in our portal under Damage of vaccines, talk
clear ...
G. Paolo Vanoli (I2VGP) - journalist, consultant
Science of Nutrition and Natural Medicine Biological
Saturday, November 29, 2008
What To Write In A Freinds Wedding Card
iatrogenic diseases
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tech Deck Biggest Skate Park
The painting before (left) and after (right) restoration
The shows very little in reality, it consists of three rooms: the first two contain extensive documentation of the restoration, since the its first steps, while the third holds the painting together with high 4 works contemporary, which help to highlight the value and uniqueness of the work.
We pause to give an opinion on the show, but we like to emphasize that such exposure is not a simple display of the work (which is truly sublime), but an important attempt to show the restoration work supporting actor as a subject, trying to explain all the steps and make it clear to the public as it is among the most delicate phase in the life of a work.
have been more than two years devoted to diagnostic tests on the painting, and various techniques have been used, predominantly non-invasive:
radiography and tomography : Useful to document previous interventions and to assess the conservation status of the wooden support.
reflectography IR : To gain information on pigments and painting techniques sula.
XRF : allowed to discriminate the pigments used by Raphael from those used later.
3D survey techniques ( profilometry line laser, micro-profilometry Conoscopic , topography of the surface projection of lines ).
FORS (Fiber Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy).
chemical investigations.
In the exhibition these techniques are all documented evocative descriptions and photos, giving proper emphasis to all the work done by technicians. Such documents, however, fails to mention chemical analysis, which are not mentioned in any part of the descriptions. forgetfulness? Perhaps mere failure of analysis "uncomfortable" that required the removal of as many as 7 samples from various parts of the painting.
To satisfy curiosity, or question, however, was published a book entirely dedicated to the restoration work, which contains detailed information of each technique (including chemical analysis!) And the results achieved. The emphasis that the exhibition offers to the diagnostic surgery revealed, even to eyes of a non-expert audience, how much importance it has in achieving the results of such a high level.
We hope that more and more, in the restoration, the attention is placed on diagnostic tests, too often neglected, or deprived of their due consideration.
Andrea "
I would add a very interesting video (though no audio!) Which describes, unfortunately only visually, some phases of the restoration:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Letter For New Baby Arrival
The conference is entitled "Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage" and will be held in Rome from November 24 to 25. The project was sponsored and organized by the Italian Association of Conservation Scientists (IACS, an association that has replaced the AIEDAbc, which he had already spoken in another post dating back to prehistoric times in this blog ...) and the Younger Chemists Group of Italian Chemical Society.
The conference is in two days that will follow one another 33 oral presentations and 24 other works will be presented in the form of posters .
There are two main topics of the conference:
- The presentation of experiences, activities and research carried out by young professionals in this field
- The problem of our professional world of work in conservation
The issues seem very interesting and above all relate very closely all those who, like us, have done or are doing the 12 degree / s. I would also like to stress that the conference registration costs only € 20 (which, believe me, it's a really fair price compared to what is normally required conferences).
So if you're in the neighborhood of Rome, or if you want to make a trip to the capital, I suggest you take a leap of Wisdom University to attend the conference.
The reference site is
PS: Among the posters presented by the fact you can even find one team of Art & Science (the title is: Conservation Science At CSGI - Innovative Methods For The Conservation Of Works Of Art)!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Heather Harmon, Brooke,melanie Friend
When a country does not invest in research and the University means that there is no real interest in the future, and therefore for the future of young people. Although it is true that the timing is delicate and there is no money, it is also true that the costs of the policy do not fall, the fight against tax evasion is not as hard as expected, the fight against the mafia and even continue to spend a lot of money for the military missions in Afghanistan and Iraq. It 's a matter of priority. Clearly the priorities of this government are others.
The following video is a little taste of the event on Friday 14 in Rome. For all those who were there and want to see what they have lost, but there has been but also for those who want to relive some moments ...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Piercing Apprenticeships In Nj
We predicted that the post is decidedly not serious, but reflects the good side "playful" character of all three members of Art & Science - and I assure you that it is often a dominant side, if not ever!
Here is a new, attractive , missed , surprising, mysterious chapter of the study "scientific-esoteric" the genius of Vinci:
The video is from "And let Vista's" new program Paola Cortellesi Raitre on every Thursday in prime time.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Pokemon Emerald Save File Is Corrupted
before moving on to specific techniques used and results obtained by the restorers it is interesting to understand why such an urgent and careful study of a diagnostic work up of only seventy ' years.
This painting was commissioned from Picasso by the English Republic that attacked by the troops of General Franco wanted to send out a warning cry to all the world powers on its domestic situation dramatic. Just completed, then, the picture went around the world so that his message could reach more people. The continuous migration caused the most serious and immediate, so much so that already twenty years after Picasso himself, given the severe conditions in which the panel decided to restore it and keep it permanently on display at MOMA in New York. After the fall of the Franco regime in the painting was moved to the Reina Sofia museum in Madrid.
Its preservation is ensured by a team of conservators and scientists, which in this period have started a thorough investigation into non-invasive diagnostics:
- X-ray radiography to assess the presence of cracks and discern the different pigments according to their different absorption of X-ray;
- A high-resolution scanning camera, in order to obtain a digital image to the original;
- colorimetric investigations in various parts of the work to assess changes color over time and before and after a number of conservation measures;
- infrared reflectography going to investigate under the paint film and find the presence of preparatory drawings or second thoughts.
The results showed that since the last survey 10 years ago, the situation seems to have stabilized, so that the responsibility for its preservation, Jorge Garcia, has concluded (with a comparison so dear to the medical professionals in this field) that the work "is in a stable situation as serious" and that "has a bad health of iron."
As we have seen, too many trips and a few precautions used during undertaken by the various movements Guernica caused serious damage that still have not been resolved. The problem of shipments for exhibitions of works is a theme still relevant today and not at all resolved (see about the controversy began with the decision to send the Annunciation by Leonardo in Japan pic1? ID = 163339 & print = S ) I would like to launch a debate among readers to know what you think about it. For my part I believe that each case must be dealt with individually and that therefore there is no single answer to the problem. Grant works for exhibitions and helps facilitate the understanding of cultures, traditions, histories ... other than his own, and there is image and the return of profits that can be drawn from the institution to pay his works. For these reasons, I think, in principle, we should always strive to agree to requests for works for exhibitions. All of these considerations, however, conservative estimates are subject to a work before leaving the place where it should be kept scrupulously studied and should be guaranteed the right precautions for transportation and for its maintenance during the exhibition. In addition, some works that can be seen as a symbol and a heritage for museums where they are stored, they should never leave the place where they are. There are two reasons: First, during the absence of the work visitors to the museum will be damaged in some way (can you imagine that the Japanese would do if they arrive at the Louvre's Mona Lisa was not there?) and secondly, for some works you should not take any kind of risk even if minimum.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Brown Implantation Bleeding
Features: recently described species and many geographical variations. The branches are tapered and can not be far apart or compact. The corals are placed in rows along the branches and have caps similar to those of stylophora. The tentacles are often extended during the day.
Color: cream or brown.
Similar species: S. hystrix and species with branches stylophora purposes.
Habitat: upper parts of the reef.
Abundance: uncommon in the barriers, but very common among aquarists.
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Features: reach the colonies larger than 0.3 meters and are usually prostrate. The branches are fused in an irregular manner, not tapered or pointed. The corals are placed on an irregular or fuzzy lines. They have distinct limits, but they have no cap on top. Polyps are extended day and night.
Color: many colors are possible, usually with the contrast between the polyp and that of the branches.
Similar species: S. hystrix, which has sharp branches and corallites not extended during the day. (See also S. aculeata, which has short branches and slender, and S. caliendrum ).
Habitat: shallow waters of the reef, particularly in areas protected from strong wave action, including the vertical cracks.
Wild: common.